Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Life at Maple Tree

Today while I was organizing the classroom at MTM, I noticed some red
stuff in the butterfly jars. My first reaction was 'why is there red
dye in the jars?' I bent down to have a closer look, and that is when
I realized there was a butterfly on the bottom, but It was laying on
its side and not moving. I looked around in the jar and saw two more
butterflies, and one more in the other jar. All of them were very
still. I called Ms. Michelle to tell her the good news! She
explained that the next step was to put a screen on the top of the
jars and give them food (cotton balls soaked in sugar water). As soon
as I opened the jars, the butterflies started fluttering around, even
the one laying on its side. The fresh air brought them back to life!
A few of them looked like they were stuck on their backs, but
eventually turned themselves over. It seemed like they were learning
how to use their wings, just like toddlers learning how to use their
legs. Once the butterflies got adjusted, all but one attached to a
branch and stayed there until I left for home. I can not wait to see
the reactions of the children Monday morning! They have anticipated
this moment for a few weeks now!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Yes, tomorrow morning is going to be VERY exciting. We are still waiting.........
