Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Following the Signs

You probably know that your children have learned a little sign language. At Maple Tree they use the signs for "listen" and "sit" and a few other words. This month in music we are learning signs, known as cheironomics, for different musical notes. There is a hand gesture to indicate each note of the scale: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do. This morning we used the symbols for "so" and "do" in our seashell song. Already I can hear that the children sing more clearly and in tune when they use cheironomics.
We also use spoken rhymes, and I thought I could provide you with the words in case you are hearing these at home.

Granny Spider (Dennis Lee)
Granny Spider sit and knits,
She sits and knits with all her wits.
She spins a line of silky twine,
and sits and knits all day.

Pussy Willow (Dennis Lee)
PUssy willow, pussy willow,
Like a caterpillar's pillow
Spring is near when you are here,
Pussy willow mine-o

Little Fish (with actions) (C. Bousman)
Little fish, little fish, likes to play, wiggles her fins and swims away.
Little fish, little fish singing a song, swimming and singing all day long.
Little fish , little fish in the water bright, opens her mouth and takes a bite!

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