Monday, May 7, 2012

Songs from Around the World

For the last few weeks in music class we have been singing songs 
about our neighbourhood, and the people and places in it. Many of the songs are charming and old-fashioned, about cobblers and bakers and teddy bears. We also sang about mailing letters, and about mailing ourselves (that sparked a lot of silly discussion!).The children have learned to name some rhythms (especially "ta ta ti- ti ta" and "ti-ti ta ti-ti ta"), and we were able to discover these rhythms in our songs, so that instead of singing "teddy bear, teddy bear," we would sing "ti-ti ta ti-ti ta" in its place. We also played lots of games with the notation of these simple rhythms, so that the children can lay out cards with rhythmic components in the corresponding order. It's been a busy time!!We are now heading into our final unit, which will be songs from around the world. We will learn quite a few French songs, but there will also be songs from Austria, Greece, Mexico, Russia, and Africa, and maybe more!  ~Ms. Susanne

1 comment:

  1. I love it when I read the blog and then the topic comes up at home - while sitting around the table doing some art a couple of days ago, I was given instruction in "ta-ta-ti-ti-ta." Apparently I wasn't doing it right at first, but then, after a few tries, my attempt at it was successful. It's nice when the roles are reversed and I become the student and he becomes the teacher. Thanks for this!
