Thursday, August 26, 2010

The New Child

We have so enjoyed welcoming the new children to our school. They are a delightful group of mostly three year old newcomers. The children seem very keen to learn about their classroom: where everything is located, how to take out their work and return it to the shelf, tuck in their chair and roll up their work mats. They like to know how to mop up a spill, serve their own snack and wash their dishes.

We have watched as some children separated from their mom or dad for their first time into new and uncertain territory and how they found their feet, comfort and independence.

I just love, love, love, the wonder new children bring to the classroom. I love the excitement on their faces as they discover they can do anything they set their mind to. It is that keen and natural desire to please and to just do that is so much fun to watch. So please embrace the table setting and moping up and endless dusting with perhaps too much water as it is so very important to your child and their natural development.

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