Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mud, Glorious Mud!

 I meant to post this yesterday, but my day was busy and it got away from me and only when I was on my way to Windsor to take our son to a hockey game last night did I remember.  Better late than never I think is going to be my new motto!
 Yesterday, I got to go to playground and it was so much fun to watch the children.  Not only did I get to see the amazing mud play unfold but I got to watch the tender relationships that have evolved between some of the children.

I know your child's gear is a write off at the end of the day these days but know this, they are having the most marvelous time making soup, mud pies and well just plan old fashioned fun.

Happy Weekend!


  1. These pictures brought a big smile to my face. What fun!

  2. I just remember when I used to make some mud cakes with my sister...too much fun!

  3. I love the muddy clothes, boots, etc... at the end of the day - a sure sign they are having loads of fun. And how great to see some of the pictures of what they've been up to.
