Monday, September 19, 2011

Everything is coming up Sunflowers

What a way to kick start the week.  Yesterday, my family went to the valley to net our grape vines and I noticed the largest Sunflowers I have ever seen in the garden.  I asked if I may help myself to the seed heads and was given the go ahead.  What a score!  It was a moment of brilliance for sure. 

Last night I went into the school and dried the seed heads in the oven for a while at a low temperature.  Mostly I was wanting to make sure there were no creepy crawlies.  After I was certain they were bug free I set one up on a independent working station with a set of small tweezers and a bowl for collection.  I can not tell you how much fun this work is and how soothing it is to pick away at something.  This work is so popular I am kicking myself for not bring back eight seed heads.  I smell another trip to the vineyard this weekend to collect more.  The second seed head went to rest at the nature table until I noticed it was being picked at and so I put it away.  I need to make sure everyone gets to have a turn with this work.  

I simply love this work for so many reasons.  The first is that the children are getting a serious workout with their hand and tweezing which is great for the ones with a weaker pincer grip.  Secondly, we are learning about the life cycle and and the collection of seeds for the next growing cycle.  I will put some of these away to dry out and plant in our garden out front. 

I had the children empty the full seed bowl into the bowl at the art table so that we can continue to make our Sunflowers.  If I had only known I would never have bought sunflower seeds last week for this art project!


  1. oh Wow! that is a huge sunflower. This year was the first time that we planted something and now we have 5 little yellow sunflowers and the kids just love it.

  2. It was so nice to visit today and see these sunflowers in person! They are beautiful and so big, it is amazing! Everything looked wonderful!!
