Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The First Day

The day was simply lovely today!  I really hope that you are able to get that feel from these pictures I am posting this evening.  I walked around when I was aloud to and snapped quickly and quietly.  I felt special when I was asked repeatedly, "Can I work with you Ms. Michelle." 
The new children found their work with ease and seemed very content.

The returning children seemed blissed out and so happy to be back in their groove.
Today was an exceptional start to the school year.  All this makes me feel like we did a great job with orientation.  Working with the tears and calming fears and being extra tender.  The tricky ones were not tricky today and seemed to blossom with each transition and new thing.

Even puppy got cast aside because my friend was too busy with water , sponges and a garlic press.  So much work and so little time!

Some just needed to pour water and play in bubbles and reconnect with old friends at the sensory table today.

Some really enjoyed washing up after refreshment.  I love that I never have to wash these dishes anymore!

Binomial cube made it's way out and into some little hands for a long time.

and sorting rubber bands by length was super important to this little friend.  I watched and watched, so amazed by your children.  Great first day!  -m


  1. Everything looks perfect! just ready for the little hands to work on it. I hope tomorrow my little boy doesn't give me a hard time saying bye.

  2. My big girl was SO excited to see her teachers on the first day. We are extremely fortunate to have found and be a part of Maple Tree. Thank you so much for all that you do.
