I have a friend that has hens that lay the most beautiful blue green eggs and she has sent in two dozen. We are also the owners of a goose egg! Did you know that it is very heavy. I am holding it in my hand so that you can see how big it is. I think we will blow it out and add it to our egg collection on the nature table.
I have a special surprise for my Maple Tree children this year and I haven't told them about it yet.
A couple of Saturdays ago I met a very nice man at the Seaport Farmers Market. Let's call him Egg man. So I am buying some fish cakes from Egg man and we are chatting about things and he tells me he use to raise Rhea Birds and they lay eggs similar to Ostrich eggs. I say to egg man that I have an Ostrich egg and an Emu egg, but I would love a Rhea egg to add to my growing collection. Egg man tells me he has hundreds of them and that if I want to buy some he will give me a super special deal because he has a daughter that teaches and it is fun to give the children something special. So Egg man cuts me the deal of the century and I now have a very special gift for each of my Maple Tree children. Call me crazy, but this gift I am giving is designed to inspire the children to start a collection or create a nature space in their home where they can learn about and display their special treasures. The nature table space at Maple Tree
is about sharing and learning. It is a great place to see, touch and learn.

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